1982-07-28 The Grateful Dead

Red Rocks Ampitheater


See my Night 1 comments about this run of shows. This show, the second of the run, is a real standout, with its combination of Let it Grow and Spanish Jam reminding me of my last show in Ithaca in 1981. So many years later, I would obtain a fine tape from 1974 with those tunes done in sequence segued by an incredible jam, a show especially noteworthy to Keith Godchaux students/fans like me.

The audience recording of this show is a classic. It begins with a sharp argument between some tapers. The band was evidently onstage about to start and one of the guys is complaining severely to taper Jim Wise that someone had messed with the levels on his deck; the first chord of Shakedown then crashes down, and he’s been informed that his cherished tape deck’s levels are set ok. I wouldn’t be surprised if these guys were close to where we were that night as I do recall sitting near tapers.

As noted above, not sure why the run’s tapes include no soundboards. It seems like these shows have been somewhat overlooked and that’s too bad because they are quite interesting. The Baby Blue encore, to close this great show, combined with the Brokedown encore on the next night, are high among my favorite GD concert moments.