1981-01-31 David Bromberg

Strand Theatre (Ithaca, NY)

This must have been the first time I saw Bromberg.  Tapes of the WLIR broadcasts of the shows from the Bottom Line were popular among friends in Ithaca.  This one is part of a run of great shows I saw in 1981 at the Strand Theater in downtown Ithaca, one of the finest old theaters around, and right in downtown Ithaca. See the post for 11/22/1980, where I show an old news clippings from Cornell that tell more of the story. Here is what it looked like:

Marcal-Strand2 SunPress Photo.png

The Strand is not to be confused with the State Theater on the other side of the pedestrian mall.  The State today is operating with some good shows during the school season (Hot Tuna is appearing in 2018). 
