1979-10-31 Bob Marley & the Wailers

Colgate University


For me and for many all over the world, Bob Marley and the Wailers were right at the core of the music I loved, and right there on levels beyond music, expressing so many timeless and important things poetically and beautifully.

This show was a Halloween spectacle, but no one in the band donned a costume, only some of the audience members. 

We drove the back roads of NY from Ithaca to Colgate, one small town after another with its civil war monument, each with the children out trick or treating.  On the way home we were happy to get a healthy dose of a Led Zeppelin's recently released "In Through the Out Door" on FM radio. 

I was amazed at how LOUD the show was; it seemed to peak during the guitar solo of "Heathen."

I had been a fan for years, listening to Marley and reggae and listening to Carribean radio in NYC , but my exposure to and appreciation for reggae would only expand during the next few years.
